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In Australia, osteopaths are registered health practitioners who train for a minimum of five years at University. During this time we study a number of subjects covering human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, rehabilitation, neurology, pathology and general medical diagnosis/management of the human body. 

Osteopaths examine, diagnose, manually treat and rehabilitate a wide range of conditions. We are trained to recognise problems that require medical referral and can perform standard medical examinations. Each Osteopath, like their personality, are unique and use different techniques. Although our techniques may differ, our treatment is based on the same principles, that the body is a unit and it works together as a whole.

We analyse how the joints, bones, muscles, nerves, connective tissue, and lymphatic/blood flow work and move together as a whole. We not only assess and treat the area that is painful, but examine and treat other areas that may be predisposing or driving the complaint.

We ask questions regarding sleeping patterns, mood, diet & exercise to give us an understanding of your overall health. Osteopaths want the patient to achieve optimal wellbeing so the body has the best chance of healing itself. From this we are able to decipher what may be contributing to your discomfort and establish goals so you can improve all aspects of your health.

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